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Top 10 Questions about Faith and Science

The Reasons to Believe (RTB) creation model is based on Scripture and science which....
The topic of theistic evolution (or evolutionary creationism) garners much attention among...
Here are a few of the scientific reasons why we at Reasons to Believe assert that humans are...
Some skeptics assert that the accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 don’t match. However, under close scrutiny, the...
The strongest physical evidences for the cosmic creation event.....
God’s Word never specifies a date for creation, but Genesis...
An abundance of biblical evidence (not just science) indicates that...
Who We Are
  • 5 Staff Scholars
  • 65+ Visiting Scholars
  • 290+ Scholar Community Members
Our Mission

We make every effort to help people discover that sound reason and scientific research consistently affirm the truth of the Bible and of the Good News it reveals.

Our Beliefs

We believe in presenting research and starting a conversation—because people deserve respect and a safe forum for discussing their views.

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How do I become a Christian?

To become a follower of Jesus Christ you start a one-on-one relationship with Jesus Christ:

  1. Recognize that Jesus was the God-man and that he gave himself to die on the cross because he loves you more than you will ever know or imagine (John 3:16).
  2. Understand that Jesus paid for your sins—past, present, and future—by sacrificing himself on your behalf, and that he proved he was God by rising from the dead. (1 Corinthians 15: 3-4)
  3. Tell Jesus, out loud or in quiet prayer, that you accept his payment for your sins.
  4. Understand that your trust in Jesus alone, not any good works you could ever do, is completely sufficient to make you worthy before God to enjoy heaven forever. (Galatians 3:11)

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Our History

Reasons to Believe (RTB) was established in 1986 with the awareness that people have a fundamental desire to understand our world, the universe beyond it, and the implications of that knowledge for their beliefs. As an international, interdenominational ministry, our purpose is to show that science and the Christian faith are allies, not enemies. Our commitment to sound reason and scientific research puts RTB in a unique position to engage in gentle, respectful dialogue with people from various worldviews. Our mission is to bring hope to people by illuminating and clarifying God’s role as Creator and highlighting his purposes for creation, especially for human beings.

This mission started with RTB president and founder, Dr. Hugh Ross. Often you will find Dr. Ross engaging in his favorite activity, responding to questions about science and faith. His fervor began at age seven when he went to the library to find out why stars are hot. Physics and astronomy captured his curiosity and never let go. After completing his doctorate at the University of Toronto and postdoctoral research at the California Institute of Technology, Dr. Ross served on the ministry team at Christ Church Sierra Madre. Response to his breadth and depth of experience in both science and faith prompted him in March of 1986 to start Reasons to Believe. For over thirty years, RTB has produced thousands of resources for Christians and nontheists alike and participated in lively conversations about the relationship between science and faith.

Our Impact

Reasons to Believe has helped hundreds of thousands of people reconcile their faith and science. Join us in the mission of Reasons to Believe by thoughtfully supporting the work of our scholars and organization.

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Location: Corona, CA
Date: March 21, 2025 - March 22, 2025
Type: In-person
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Monthly Partner Community

The Monthly Partner community is a group of mission-minded people dedicated to spreading God’s truth through sound reason and scientific research.
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Four people engaging in a Lively Discussion

Apologetics Community

These RTB-trained laypeople and professionals play a vital part in spreading our message by engaging non-Christians in science-faith conversations.
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You can be a part of helping more people around the world discover that sound reason and scientific research consistently support our faith in God as Creator, Lord, and Savior.
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Reasons Institute

Reasons Institute is the premier content provider of science apologetics courses for Christian higher education.
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Further Learning

Reasons to Believe offers a variety of resources to equip educators that science and faith are, and always will be, allies, not enemies.
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For Educators

ACSI-accredited continuing education units prepare teachers to engage in spiritually stimulating dialogue with students.
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