Frequently Asked Questions
Hugh Ross has been on the frontier of making the biblical and scientific case against Darwinism for more than two decades. RTB scholars believe that God miraculously intervened throughout the history of the universe in various ways millions, possibly even billions, of times to create each and every new species of life on Earth.
- Web Articles
- Books and Other Resources
- A Matter Of Days, by Hugh Ross
It affirms.
Instead of being an example of atheistic philosophy, big bang cosmology is one of the most potent evidences for the existence of God, pointing directly to the necessity of a Transcendent beginning of the universe. Many Christian apologists have affirmed that big bang cosmology is consistent with Scripture, including J.P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, and Hank Hannegraff.
- Web Articles
- Books and Other Resources
- Creator And The Cosmos by Hugh Ross
- A Matter Of Days by Hugh Ross
By miracle.
RTB does recognize the fossil record as a reasonably accurate history of life on Earth, including the existence of hominids before modern humans. But RTB scholars also firmly believe that God supernaturally and miraculously created Adam and Eve from the “dust of the earth” (not a pre-existing being), just as described in Genesis 1 and 2. Adam and Eve were the first humans, and from them came the entire human race.
- Web Articles
- Books and Other Resources
- Who Was Adam? by Fuz Rana and Hugh Ross
God’s Word cannot and does not contradict God’s work in nature.
RTB believes that God has revealed Himself to humanity in at least two ways – the words of the Bible and the record of nature. Reasons to Believe’s mission is to work rigorously to integrate both of God’s revelations into one harmonious picture revealing the identity and character of the Creator. When properly understood, God’s Word (Scripture) and God’s world (nature) – as two revelations (one verbal, one physical) from the same God – will never contradict each other.
- Books and Other Resources
- Without a Doubt by Kenneth Samples
- Books and Other Resources
Because Reasons to Believe (RTB) seeks to integrate science and the Christian faith, we are sometimes asked how we differ from the religion of Christian Science.
Christian Science is a religious sect founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879. The sect’s official name is The First Church of Christ, Scientist. Eddy’s teachings are set forth in her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, and these teachings clearly stand outside of historic Christian orthodoxy. Christian Science teaches a synthesis of Christianity and Hinduism, with an emphasis on “healing.” For example, Christian Science denies the existence of matter, rejects the reality of evil and suffering, and teaches that God is an impersonal principle.
RTB is an apologetics organization that affirms the doctrinal truths of historic, orthodox Christianity. For RTB’s distinctive beliefs, see Our Mission & Beliefs.
The Hebrew word for “day” has three literal definitions: 12 hours, 24 hours, or a long time period. Reasons to Believe affirms the accuracy of the biblical writings and frequently engages in scholarly discussions concerning the best, and most faithful, way to interpret Genesis 1. As a “God-breathed” revelation, the Bible is completely without error (historically, scientifically, morally, and spiritually). God’s written word is our supreme and final authority in all matters that it addresses. Many Christian leaders have affirmed that an old-earth creation interpretation does not compromise Scripture, including Norman Geisler, the late Gleason Archer, the late Chuck Colson, Jack Hayford, and the late Dr. Walter Martin.
- Books and Other Resources
- A Matter Of Days by Hugh Ross
- Books and Other Resources
It was universal, rather than global.
Reasons to Believe scholars make a solid case from the Bible that Noah’s flood eradicated the entire human race and all animals associated with humanity (i.e., it was universal in its effect) without necessarily being global. Given RTBs belief that early humans failed to spread out over the planet, the flood need not have extended beyond the region (the Mesopotamian area or larger) where humans had settled. RTB clearly affirms belief that Noah’s flood wiped out all of humanity in existence at the time, with the lone exception of Noah and his family.
- Books and Other Resources
- Noah’s Flood: Global or Local? by Krista Bontrager
- In the Days of Noah by Hugh Ross
- Books and Other Resources
It does not.
A careful examination of Romans 5:12 shows that Adam’s sin introduced death to all humans, not to all life forms on Earth. Plant and animal death in no way ascribes evil or cruelty to the Creator. Furthermore, a biblical and scientific case can be made that the observed laws of physics have been in operation since the creation of the universe.
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Each method has its appropriate uses.
Multiple dating methods have been tested and proven reliable, each one applicable within specific boundaries. Confidence in these methods is rooted in the belief that God has created the universe in such a manner as to reveal His existence and divine nature. God intended the natural realm to be studied, measured, and understood (at least to a limited extent) and thereby offer a glimpse of His power and love. All dating methods have certain limitations, but when methods are applied in their proper context they yield accurate and reliable results within specified margins of error.
Web Articles
- The Usefulness of Carbon-14
- The Dynamics of Dating (lay version)
- Radiometric Dating (technical version, 790Kb)
- The Measurability of the Universe: A Record of the Creator’s Design
Books and Other Resources
- A Matter Of Days by Hugh Ross