Top Questions about Science and the Christian Faith
This curated list features responses to common questions about and challenges to the Christian faith. Browse the top questions or do a quick search to start your journey.
While the Bible doesn’t describe how racial diversity arose, it does seem to imply that it arose rapidly as humans scattered following the Tower of Babel rebellion (described in Genesis 11:1–9).
Here are a few of the scientific reasons why we at Reasons to Believe assert that humans are the result of special creation by God rather than the result of strictly natural processes:
The Reasons to Believe (RTB) creation model, based on Scripture and science, identifies “hominids”—Neanderthals, Homo erectus, and others—as creatures made by God.
No, because the Sun’s existence accounts for Earth’s light from the first day on.
The topic of theistic evolution (or evolutionary creationism) garners much attention among Christians these days. Reasons to Believe (RTB) does not doubt the faith of Christians who hold this view, but we affirm a different view.
God’s Word never specifies a date for creation, but Genesis does provide some clues as to the age of the Earth. The genealogies and the length of the creation “days” play key roles in any biblical assessment of Earth’s age.
The short answer is that religion and science both make claims about what is true about our world and about life.
The strongest physical evidences for the big bang, which could also be called the cosmic creation event, are technically complex and require considerable scientific background.
An abundance of biblical evidence (not just science) indicates that the days in Genesis 1 are something other than 24-hour periods. Early commentators agree.
Some skeptics assert that the accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 don’t match. However, under close scrutiny, the supposed contradictions disappear.
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