Going for Global Impact
Ministry collaboration has become an increasingly critical key to advancing Christ’s kingdom worldwide. Partnerships enhance effi ciency and cost-effectiveness and allow ministries to make good use of each other’s unique strengths. We’ve certainly seen the positive impact of our teamwork with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. While RZIM brings unique contacts and opportunities in such places as Peru and the United Kingdom, RTB brings “in-demand” scientific content to share with audiences there.
One emerging development I’m pleased to share with you is the partnership between RTB and TWR (formerly known as Trans World Radio). Because TWR has established a vast global communications network and a trusted presence internationally, placing RTB content on a website called TWR 360 will bring our message to people who wouldn’t otherwise hear or read it. TWR research shows high-level interest in the relationship between science and Christianity throughout Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and beyond. The prevailing view in these regions is that science is in direct and irreconcilable conflict with Christian beliefs.
Initially, our content will be available in English only, but as resources become available, we plan to offer it in other languages as well. We’ll be targeting the languages of nations where the need—and demand—for science apologetics seems greatest and where we see significant impact. We look forward to adding video content for web-based broadcast as soon as possible. Networks in both the US and Canada have appealed to RTB to produce this material. Please join us in asking the Lord to guide us and provide for us in developing RTB’s global outreach.
Kathy Ross