Big Bang Test #1
TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information
Although some atheists and young-earth creationists remain skeptical about the big bang, the model continues to pass test after test. An American astronomer developed a new test for the biblically predicted big bang creation model. Using data from both the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) of galaxies and from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), the most detailed map of the cosmic background radiation, he noted that one could calculate a date for when the entire universe was reionized for a second time. (The first reionization refers to that moment in cosmic history when the first atoms to condense out of the hot big bang creation event were stripped of all their electrons by the heat and light of the first generation of stars. The second ionization refers to that cosmic moment when the second generation of stars stripped all atoms in the universe of their electrons.) If the big bang creation model is correct, then the two dates should agree. The astronomer’s calculations do indeed establish that the two dates agree, namely that the second reionization is complete by the time corresponding to redshift, z = 6 (a distance measure). Thus, the big bang creation model has successfully passed another test.
- Nickolay Y. Gneidin, “Reionization, Sloan, and WMAP: Is the Picture Consistent?” Astrophysical Journal 610 (2004): 9-13.
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