Welcome to Voices
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:
The old has gone, the new is here!
—2 Corinthians 5:17
With the arrival of the new year, new things are afoot. And one of the new creations at Reasons to Believe is a web feature called Voices—the official blog of our visiting scholars.
In 2011, we officially launched the Visiting Scholar Program at Reasons to Believe, with the goal of establishing formal, ongoing collaborations with scholars from a wide range of disciplines; including the various areas of science, engineering, medicine, philosophy, history, theology, and biblical studies. Through the Visiting Scholar Program, we see the opportunity to deepen and broaden our expertise as a ministry and to demonstrate the credibility and broad level of acceptance of old-earth creationism.
Since the program’s inception, we have built relationships with over 50 scholars, and we look to quickly add to that number over the course of the next few years. The community of visiting scholars has proven to be a valuable resource to us and we think that they will be equally valuable to you by offering important insights into a wide range of science-faith issues. And that is why we are launching Voices—we wanted a vehicle to feature their cutting-edge work.
Over the last few years, our visiting scholars have occasionally contributed articles to our website. But we wanted to avail them the opportunity to make regular contributions, and to collect their work under a single banner.
This blog will reflect the visiting scholar community in every way, featuring an eclectic mix of articles, interviews, podcasts, and videos. I am excited that we now have the opportunity to shine a light on our visiting scholar community—men and women who are impeccable scholars, but more importantly, who exhibit impeccable Christian character. I am confident that their blog posts will bless you—and challenge you to grow deeper in your understanding of the powerful evidence for the Christian faith that comes from the frontiers of science, philosophy, and theology.
Happy New Year! And happy reading, listening, and viewing.