Why I Heart the Big Bang

Why I Heart the Big Bang

Inspiration for this week’s post comes from Facebook, but bear with me. I assure you it has nothing to do with politics or meme generators. In honor of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, several virtual friends have posted real things for which they are thankful. Last week my blogging cohort posted a few gems from Hugh Ross’ thanksgiving list—one that includes gas giants and whale excrement. Oh joy!

For me, the big bang theory comes to mind when I think of features found in nature for which I’m grateful. Unfortunately, the big bang has earned a bum rap in some Christian circles. It’s also been questioned by some naturalists due to its creation implications. Yet the big bang actually offers some of the best evidence for God.

The general assumption among some proponents on either side of the theist/atheist fence is that the big bang theory does not fit with the creation account as told in the Bible. Moreover, some assert that one cannot accept the Bible and the big bang theory.

But there’s good news. Not all Christians shun the big bang like the supermarket on Thanksgiving afternoon. From our perspective, the big bang and the Bible go together like mashed potatoes and (vegetarian) gravy.

Here’s the scoop:

Scientists say the universe had a beginning, is stretching, and will eventually come to an end. The Bible says the universe had a beginning, is stretching outward, and will eventually come to an end.

And here’s where the gratitude comes in:

When things seem too difficult to handle, when parents are in the hospital, schedules are overloaded, and money is short, I’m reminded that it’s no lucky strike that the Bible accurately describes cosmic features that scientists would discover over 2,000 years later. The Bible’s preempting of scientific discovery makes sense only if God inspired its contents. This assurance provides comfort that God’s creative work (which began some 14 billion years ago) continues to sustain the cosmos as well as each one of us.

Speaking of God’s creative work, most are familiar with the creation account in Genesis 1. Psalm 104 stands as one of the most comprehensive creation texts outside of Genesis 1, and it serves as the focus for RTB’s 2013 wall calendar, Psalm 104: Another Account of Creation. This creation psalm evokes worship and praise and reminds us that “God is not only the Source of all creation but also the One who holds everything—and each of us—in His loving hands.”

If you’d like a free copy of RTB’s 2013 wall calendar, leave a comment below letting us know what you’re grateful for this year and we’ll pick a few of our favorites. You can also receive this calendar in appreciation for your gift to RTB in any amount. Click on the Donations page for details.

Looking forward to reading what you’re thankful for!


As we each ponder our own gratitude lists, let’s think, too, about the sacrifices made by the men and women of the armed forces who have served our country. (For a heartwarming Veterans Day reflection, check out “An Unlikely Role Model,” Kenneth Samples’ post about his veteran father.)