RTB 101: Human Chimp DNA Similarities September 30, 2017 A high degree of genetic similarity (as high as 99% according to some studies) between humans and chimpanzees leads evolutionary biologists to conclude the... by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
RTB 101: Historical Adam September 16, 2013 The Genesis 1 narrative begins with the creation of the universe and culminates with God's special creation of Adam and Eve. Historic Christianity holds... by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
When Did Mitochondrial Eve and Y Chromosomal Adam Live? April 4, 2013 Using mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosomal DNA to characterize genetic variability of people around the world, recent studies suggest that humanity’s origin was much... by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
Perspectives on Theistic Evolution February 29, 2012 Listen in as RTB scholars explain how theistic evolution may not provide a simple resolution to science-faith controversies. Creation Views by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
TNRTB Classic: Ancient Collagen Explained February 16, 2012 A few days ago, I explained why the recovery of cuttlefish fossils containing the organic material chitin fails to support the young-earth model. Creation Views by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
Chitin in Ancient Cuttlefish Fails to Support Young-Earth Creationism February 13, 2012 A young-earth proponent claims it’s impossible for an organic material like chitin to survive 35 million years—thus the chitin remains associated with cuttlefish fossils... Creation Views by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
One More Crack in the Mirror: Misplaced Hope in the Latest Model for the Origin of Life October 9, 2011 Many of us are told that compelling scientific evidence exists for the emergence of life from inanimate matter via chemical evolution (also known as... Chemistry by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read