AMP 2016: Wisdom in Evangelism
Every so often the Lord moves in ways that make my jaw drop in amazement. When I was appointed as project leader for AMP Conference 2015, I did not expect it to be more than an average event—but it turned out to be the biggest event Reasons to Believe had hosted in more than 10 years.
God’s fingerprints clearly marked AMP 2015. Our speaker panel began with RTB’s four scholars, but grew to include six more pastors, professors, authors, and apologetics leaders—each prepared to equip and encourage the audience to talk about our faith with nonbelievers.
We prayed for 500 attendees and ended up with close to 1,000 people—some of who had traveled from around the world. More than 120 unregistered people showed up at the door on Friday night. I was floored by the positive responses from attendees who described the event as “informative, interesting and encouraging,” “truly life changing,” and “beautifully done.”
If you missed AMP 2015, don’t fret—we’re doing AMP again.
The theme for AMP 2016 is wisdom in evangelism. As before, the conference will feature 10 renowned speakers, all leaders in the fields of apologetics and evangelism, who will provide practical advice for engaging skeptical people in conversation about Christianity. AMP is designed to demonstrate that apologetics content is meant not only to encourage a believer’s personal faith but also to be used to help more people overcome obstacles to entering God’s Kingdom. AMP 2016 aims to get believers engaged in the mission of spreading the Good News.
So, I hope you will join us February 12–13, at Purpose Church in Pomona, CA, for AMP 2016. It is my hope that this conference will inspire you to, as missionary William Carey put it, “expect great things from God” and “attempt great things for God.”
Space is limited, so visit to register today!