Creation Implications of a Fifth Force of Physics January 23, 2023 Physicists have established that four fundamental forces of physics appear to govern all the observed operations within the universe. These four forces—gravity, electromagnetism, the... Physics & Mathematics by Hugh Ross Read
General Relativity and Cosmic Creation Pass 7 Tests March 7, 2022 New sophisticated measurements of radio waves from two heavy stars have provided weighty evidence for understanding how the universe began. An international team of... Design by Hugh Ross Read
New Evidence Further Affirms Biblical Prediction of Unchanging Physics August 9, 2021 It may be surprising for some readers to learn that the Bible declared millennia ago that the fundamental physics of the universe has not... Physics & Mathematics by Hugh Ross Read
Neutron Star Mergers, Part 2: Evidence for Design July 19, 2021 In last week’s post, "Neutron Star Mergers, Part 1: Evidence for Creation," I described how astronomers’ observations of binary neutron star merging events is... Astronomy by Hugh Ross Read
General Relativity and Cosmic Creation Pass Another Test, Part 1 September 9, 2019 It may be surprising to learn that a star orbiting the Milky Way Galaxy’s black hole has produced evidence for one of the most... Physics & Mathematics by Hugh Ross Read
First Image of a Black Hole May 3, 2019 When Albert Einstein first proposed his general theory of relativity, it transformed the way scientists thought about space and time. Specifically, the theory predicted... Physics & Mathematics by Jeff Zweerink Read
Mastering Eddington’s Confirmation of General Relativity August 31, 2018 Many people who witnessed the great eclipse of 2017 will remember it as a wondrous spectacle. But one amateur astronomer saw the event as... Physics & Mathematics by Jeff Zweerink Read
Probing the Cosmic Creation Event with the Star S0-2 April 2, 2018 Throughout the past five decades, our scientific confidence in a hot big bang cosmic creation event that is perfectly consistent with what the Bible... Astronomy by Hugh Ross Read
General Relativity and Its Christian Implications Pass Yet More Tests December 18, 2017 General relativity ranks as the best description of how the universe behaves. It explicitly incorporates the principle that the laws of physics never change... Worldviews by Hugh Ross Read
Thank God for Perfect Solar Eclipses July 10, 2017 A perfect solar eclipse occurs when the disk of the Moon exactly blocks out the disk of the Sun. Such eclipses are a relatively... Astronomy by Hugh Ross Read
Dragging Space and Time and the Existence of God April 10, 2017 Proving the reliability of general relativity to precisely describe the dynamics (movements) of massive bodies in the universe is fundamental to establishing the space-time... Worldviews by Hugh Ross Read
Binary Pulsar Affirms General Relativity and Cosmic Creation Event October 10, 2016 The most rigorous and compelling proof that the universe was created by an Agent that transcends space and time comes from the theory of... Physics & Mathematics by Hugh Ross Read