RTB at 30: How the Podcasts Evolved September 1, 2016 Shortly after running into the newfangled term “podcast” in the mid-2000s, RTB launched its first digital media offering, Science News Flash, on September 26,... by Joe Aguirre Read
Sea Otters as Global Warming Fighters September 13, 2012 Prized for their fur and once hunted to near-extinction, sea otters’ comeback may herald not only a boon for conservationists but also a partial... Design by Joe Aguirre Read
Skeptical Challenge June 11, 2012 As a Christian ministry RTB’s larger (thus, different) goal is “to spread the Christian Gospel by demonstrating that sound reason and scientific research—including the... Worldviews by Joe Aguirre Read
Nothing–Actually “Something”–to Ponder from Lawrence Krauss May 31, 2012 Theoretical physicist, popular speaker, and best-selling author Lawrence Krauss has garnered recognition for his latest book, A Universe from Nothing. RTB astronomer Hugh Ross... Worldviews by Joe Aguirre Read
Do Religious People Test Their Ideas the Way Scientists Do? April 18, 2012 How would you respond to this statement from Sean Carroll, Caltech physicist and one of the authors of Discover Magazine’s Cosmic Variance blog? “If believers... Theology by Joe Aguirre Read
Reason Rally Reminiscent of RTB? March 28, 2012 According to Dr. Michael Shermer, popular author, speaker, and founding publisher of Skeptic magazine, the recent Reason Rally (March 24, 2012) in Washington DC... Worldviews by Joe Aguirre Read
Make Room for the Red Deer Cave People March 22, 2012 Skull, rib, and leg fragments from two caves in southern China that date from 11,500–14,500 years add confusion and controversy to the hominid-to-human evolutionary... Human Origins & Anthropology by Joe Aguirre Read
Are Gorillas Closer Human Relatives than Chimps? March 15, 2012 One might invoke the last line from King Kong after hearing about a recent discovery asserting a closer connection between gorillas and humans. Does... Human Origins & Anthropology by Joe Aguirre Read
Is God Unnecessary to Explain the Universe? March 7, 2012 Such was the focus of an episode of a History Channel program called God and the Universe: A Scientific Search for God, in which... Astronomy by Joe Aguirre Read
Do “Very Religious” People Score Higher in Well-Being? February 29, 2012 What do you think of this survey? Given that Gallup took two years to make the phone calls and that the number of people... Worldviews by Joe Aguirre Read
You Might Soon Say “I Heart Snakes” November 4, 2011 “Snakes. Why’d it have to be snakes?” Indiana Jones’ lament in Raiders of the Lost Ark resonates with all fearers of the slithery, scaly,... Biochemistry by Joe Aguirre Read
Is TV Bad, Good, or Neither? October 4, 2011 A ninety-plus degree day, an inadequate ladder, shorts instead of jeans, and a non-English or even Spanish-speaking person to spot me on the ladder... Education by Joe Aguirre Read