Always Be Ready, Part Three
One of our ministry’s goals is to equip your personal ministry with tools that help point people to Jesus Christ, whether your outreach takes place in a mega-church or in your own living room. RTB’s director of events, Ken Hultgren, knows the value of being prepared for spiritual conversations through his family’s personal interactions with teachers from China.
Opening Hearts Across the Pacific – Ken Hultgren
My family and I have developed a close connection to the people of China through the adoption of our three daughters. And in recent years we’ve gained even more Chinese family members. No, we didn’t adopt more kids—rather we’ve welcomed two Chinese exchange teachers into our spiritual family through their acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Twice a year, our family hosts Chinese exchange students, typically elementary- and middle-school-aged children and sometimes a teacher. We enjoy all of them, but hosting the teachers, especially, provides opportunity for deeper conversations.
Because the Chinese regard science highly, RTB’s resources have provided an amazing gateway into spiritual conversations with these teachers. Every time the connection between science and faith comes up, they are eager to know more and ask lots of questions. When they head back to China, I give each teacher a gift package, including an English/Chinese Bible, the book Why the Universe Is the Way It Is, and Song of a Wanderer by Li Cheng who talks about Einstein, Hubble, and Hugh Ross.
Two of these teachers have become believers, and a passion for sharing the gospel has taken an especially strong hold on one of the two (I’ll call her Jane) in particular. She shares her beliefs with people at work and prays for/with struggling friends. When Jane’s school asked her to direct their annual Easter play, she tossed the usual Easter Bunny story and wrote a new play to explain the life of Jesus and Easter as a remembrance of His death and resurrection!
Though I would try to share the gospel with these teachers even if I didn’t have RTB in my back pocket, RTB’s science-faith integration has proved an effective tool for opening lifechanging conversations!