No Gravitational Lensing Found in the Cosmic Microwave Background

No Gravitational Lensing Found in the Cosmic Microwave Background

TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information

Research by two Alabama physicists may provide additional evidence for fine-tuning in the earliest development of the universe. In analyzing the cosmic microwave background, they did not find the expected gravitational lensing predicted by most inflationary scenarios. They also note that recent results do show the expected lensing signature when looking at distant quasars. They conclude that the curvature of space may have been influenced on large scales after the inflationary epoch. Whatever this “influence” might have been, it must operate in such a way that does not affect the structure or development in the early universe. As scientists understand the absence of detectable gravitational lensing in the cosmic microwave background, the evidence for fine-tuning by a cosmic Influencer in the early universe will grow.