Earth’s Ancient Crust
TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information
Geological studies continue to confirm that the processes that ensure Earth’s habitability have operated since shortly after Earth formed. The large-scale motion of Earth’s seismic plates produces the continental crust where the bulk of Earth’s mammals live. Recent studies of rocks in Greenland by an international team of geologists demonstrate that such plate tectonics have been in operation since at least 3.8 billion years ago and continue to operate today. Over long periods of time, the less-dense materials float to the top of the more-dense mantle rocks to form the continental crust that prevents Earth from being a water world. If these processes had started too late or ended too early, inadequate continental crust would exist to support the abundant life that appears unique to Earth. Such fine-tuning comports well with the idea of a supernatural Creator working to prepare and sustain a planet capable of long-standing, abundant, and complex life.
- Harald Furnes et al., “A Vestige of Earth’s Oldest Ophiolite,” Science 315 (2007): 1704-07.
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