Repeatable Evolution or Repeated Creation? October 1, 2001 Any casual observer of nature recognizes that many creatures bear some resemblance to one another. Many species of frogs, lizards, fish, and other animals... Publications by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
Repeatable Evolution or Repeated Creation? October 1, 2001 Any casual observer of nature recognizes that many creatures bear some resemblance to one another. Many species of frogs, lizards, fish, and other animals... Publications by Read
Chordate Fossils Foil Theory October 1, 2001 China’s rich cache of fossils provides paleontologists with a window to the time in Earth’s history when complex animal life first appeared. As scientists... Publications by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
The Leap to Two Feet: The Sudden Appearance of Bipedalism October 1, 2001 Did man crawl his way into existence over millions of years? Or did he leap to two feet by supernatural design? Did humans emerge... Publications by Read
Extinct Shell Fish Speaks Today April 1, 2001 A recent study of Isoxys (marine crustacean) fossils from the Maotianshan Shale of China provides important new evidence for creation. The study reveals that... Publications by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
Bacteria Help Prepare Earth For Life January 1, 2001 Sulfate-reducing bacteria are among the oldest life forms on Earth. They are dominant in the geologic record from 3.9 to 2.9 billion years ago,... Publications by Joseph Bergeron Read
“Evolving” Robots Challenge Evolution January 1, 2001 “Evolvable” robots invented by a team of computer scientists from Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, headlined the popular media last summer.1 According to the press,... Publications by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
Timely Appearance of Land Life Benefits Humans January 1, 2001 Two more pieces of evidence strengthen the case for the early appearance of land life. The significance of such findings is two-fold. First, it... Publications by Hugh Ross Read
Weeding out Evolution: Book Reviews of Icons of Evolution and Science & Christianity: Four Views January 1, 2001 In Icons of Evolution Jonathan Wells convincingly demonstrates that the evidence and examples of Darwinian evolution commonly found in biology textbooks are either misleading... Publications by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
Marine Body Sizes Add Weight to Creation Model January 1, 2001 Evolution predicts change over time, not stasis; so researchers continue to search for an organism that shows significant evolutionary change. A recent analysis of... Publications by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
Virus Argument No Longer Immune to Challenge January 1, 2001 The apparent ability of certain viruses, such as HIV, to develop (“evolve”) immunity to drug treatment represents convincing, real-time proof of evolutionary advance, according... Publications by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
Convergence: Evidence for a Single Creator October 1, 2000 Closely related to the phenomenon of repeatable evolution is convergence. Convergence refers to the widespread tendency in nature of unrelated organisms to possess nearly... Publications by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read