
Who Was Adam? A White Paper by Dr. Fazale Rana

Who Was Adam?: A Critical Assessment of William Lane Craig’s In Quest of the Historical Adam

When the first edition of Who Was Adam? was published in 2005, very few evangelicals and conservative Christians made any real attempt at integrating the scientific and biblical insights about humanity’s origin into a coherent model that treated both sets of data with integrity. Thankfully, today, a growing number of evangelical and conservative Christian scholars have taken on this project, including William Lane Craig with his latest work In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration.

I have detailed some of my most salient concerns about Craig’s ideas in an extensive critical review of In Quest of the Historical Adam, first published in the Christian Research Journal. A more detailed and expansive version of my critical review is now available at the bottom of this page. Though I don’t agree with Craig and find significant scientific shortcomings with his model, I am glad that a scholar of Craig’s stature has taken on the question of humanity’s origins.

It is critical to recognize that all models have strengths and limitations. My hope is that amid our differences—and our critiques of one another’s ideas—a collaborative spirit emerges in which we all work together to try to get it right instead of adopting a posture of insisting that we are right—and others are wrong. It is in this spirit that I have engaged Craig’s ideas on human origins.

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