ET Survey Results
ET Survey Results
Your response to the question, Do you believe there is physical, intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?, yielded an unequivocal, unambiguous, indisputable, definite, and certain “I DON’T KNOW”. That’s obviously a generalization, but most of the responses fell into that category. Some of you touched on the connection between ET life and other biblical doctrines (sin, atonement, the lordship of Christ over creation) and made some good theological and philosophical observations. Others commented on media, culture, and the power of persuasion. Several of you noted that even if physical intelligent life exists elsewhere, we will likely never encounter it. And, some lyrics from Larry Norman’s song, UFO, even made it into the mix. Here’s a breakdown:
Responses: 34
Definitely Yes: 3 (9%)
Probably Yes: 4 (12%)
Yes (but it’s God, Jesus, angels, demons): 4 (12%)
Probably No: 20 (58%)
Definitely No: 3 (9%)
We can recast the results another way:
Strong belief in physical, intelligent life elsewhere: 9%
Doubt or uncertainty: 82%
Strong disbelief: 9%
Looks like a high degree of skepticism but that’s what I expected from respondents to a post on this site. Still, the comments reflected varied thinking on the subject. You have introduced questions and thoughts that we can take up later in another Average Joe post.
Thanks for your participation and look for another survey question coming soon.