Tassos Lycurgo is a professor at the Department of Arts of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Brazil. He has also served on the faculties of several universities, including Oral Roberts University (ORU) in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as a visiting professor. In addition to his academic pursuits, Dr. Lycurgo is an attorney and the founder and president of Defesa da Fé Ministries, where he serves as pastor.
Lycurgo has held several positions throughout his career, including the national director of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Department and the national director of the Department of Cooperation and Promotion at the National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN) in Brazil. In these roles, he was responsible for managing international and domestic relations with other institutions, such as UNESCO.
Lycurgo earned a doctorate of education in mathematics and logic from UFRN in 2002, and an MA in analytic philosophy from the University of Sussex (UK) in 1999. He also completed postdoctoral studies in Christian apologetics at ORU and sociology of law at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) in Brazil. He has a specialization in material and procedural labor law from Anhanguera University (UNIDERP) and holds degrees in law (URCA), philosophy (UFRN), advanced leadership (Haggai Institute in Thailand), pastoral ministry (Rhema Bible Training College in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma), and biblical studies (Rhema Bible Training College).
Tassos has written several books on various topics, including philosophy, law, education, culture, and Christian apologetics. He frequently travels domestically and internationally to speak at conferences in the secular academic and public arenas. There he advocates for faith with the aim of presenting the historical, scientific, and philosophical justifications for following Jesus Christ. Tassos is married to Camila and they have three children: Orlando, Lissa (in memoriam), and Tasya.