Ernest L. McClellan, MD, is a retired anesthesiologist who specialized in cardiac and neuroanesthesia. His training includes a masters in biochemistry from Baylor University, doctoral research at the Dallas Baylor Graduate Research Institute in coagulation chemistry, a medical degree from the University of Texas, and a residency at the University of California, San Diego. In […]
Ernest L. McClellan, MD, is a retired anesthesiologist who specialized in cardiac and neuroanesthesia. His training includes a masters in biochemistry from Baylor University, doctoral research at the Dallas Baylor Graduate Research Institute in coagulation chemistry, a medical degree from the University of Texas, and a residency at the University of California, San Diego. In addition to founding a medical practice in Kansas, Ernest helped organize the state and local emergency medical services systems and train and establish a multibase air ambulance system. He is currently active in teaching about the integration of science and faith in his community.
Ernest L. McClellan, MD, is a retired anesthesiologist who specialized in cardiac and neuroanesthesia. His training includes a masters in biochemistry from Baylor University, doctoral research at the Dallas Baylor Graduate Research Institute in coagulation chemistry, a medical degree from the University of Texas, and a residency at the University of California, San Diego. In addition to founding a medical practice in Kansas, Ernest helped organize the state and local emergency medical services systems and train and establish a multibase air ambulance system. He is currently active in teaching about the integration of science and faith in his community.