
Andrew Corbett has been pastoring Legana Christian Church in northern Tasmania since 1995. He is on the national leadership team of A2A (Acts 2 Alliance), a movement of churches around Australia. He is the former director of the Tasmanian Family Institute. He is the co-author of the Salamanca Declaration, a joint statement by the heads of major Tasmanian churches upholding the sanctity of life, religious liberty, and the unique role that a mother and father play in having and raising children. He was a lecturer on hermeneutics at Tabor College and is now the president of ICI Theological College in Australia. He holds a degree in biblical studies from Emmanuel College, and a doctor of ministry degree from the University of Cambridge. He is the author or What Is a Family? And Why It Matters, The Most Embarrassing Book in the Bible: Understanding the Book of Revelation, The Most Embarrassing Verse in the Bible: Answering C. S. Lewis. His apologetics website,, includes a blog and a bi-weekly podcast.


Andrew Corbett has been pastoring Legana Christian Church in northern Tasmania since 1995. He is on the national leadership team of A2A (Acts 2 Alliance), a movement of churches around Australia. He is the former director of the Tasmanian Family Institute. He is the co-author of the Salamanca Declaration, a joint statement by the heads of major Tasmanian churches upholding the sanctity of life, religious liberty, and the unique role that a mother and father play in having and raising children. He was a lecturer on hermeneutics at Tabor College and is now the president of ICI Theological College in Australia. He holds a degree in biblical studies from Emmanuel College, and a doctor of ministry degree from the University of Cambridge. He is the author or What Is a Family? And Why It Matters, The Most Embarrassing Book in the Bible: Understanding the Book of Revelation, The Most Embarrassing Verse in the Bible: Answering C. S. Lewis. His apologetics website,, includes a blog and a bi-weekly podcast.

Why We Need Apologetic Pastors, Part 1
Why We Need Apologetic Pastors, Part 1
Tim Keller, senior pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, cautions, “If pastors fail to do their homework in these areas [science,...