Early Solar System Supernovae Explosions
TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information
New evidence showing the composition of asteroids has confirmed the design inherent in the formation of the early solar system. Astronomers realize that at least two different supernovae events must have occurred in the vicinity of the nebula (gas cloud) that formed the solar system. The composition of different asteroids found on Earth reveals that elements from one type of supernova were equally distributed throughout the nebula, whereas elements from another type varied throughout the early solar system. If these supernovae had occurred too close to the solar nebula, they would have blown it apart, whereas if they were farther away, they would not have sufficiently enriched the early solar nebula. Such fine-tuning comports with the idea of a supernatural Designer working to craft a solar system suitable for advanced life—particularly human beings.
- Rasmus Andreasen and Mukul Sharma, “Solar Nebula Heterogeneity in p-Process Samarium and Neodymium Isotopes,” ScienceExpress October 5, 2006: 1.
- https://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/1131708v1
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