What Does the Bible Say about the Big Bang? February 6, 2023 Nearly 25 years ago, I wrote in a former RTB publication that "Big bang cosmology is an explosive topic."1 It has led to heated... Bible by Hugh Ross Read
Who Created God? February 19, 2021 Question of the week: If God created us and the universe, who created God? Creation Model by Hugh Ross Read
Is the Ex Nihilo Doctrine of Creation Unique to Christianity? January 8, 2021 Question of the week: What do you make of assertions by skeptics that there are several religions and mythologies that include in their doctrines... Creation Model by Hugh Ross Read
Why Does God Not Need a Cause? June 5, 2020 Question of the week: Why does God not need a cause? Bible by Hugh Ross Read
God and Time Theories September 2, 2019 Time for both the universe and us as humans is linear. That is, for us, there exists only one dimension of time. In that... People by Hugh Ross Read