Was Jesus Wrong in Saying He’d Be Dead for 3 Days and 3 Nights? July 19, 2023 Question of the Week: Jesus died just before the Sabbath and rose just after. Was he mistaken when he said he would be dead... Bible by Hugh Ross Read
What’s Your Response to Those Who Say Jesus Didn’t Preexist His Birth on Earth? February 22, 2023 Question of the Week: What would be your main, brief argument against a Unitarian who would say that Jesus did not preexist his conception... Theology by Hugh Ross Read
Was Jesus Trained by Yogis or Gurus? January 14, 2022 Question of the week: How do you respond to claims that Jesus was actually a Yogi using kundalini? Or, that before he began his ministry... History by Hugh Ross Read
How Can We Know That There Is an Afterlife? June 4, 2021 Question of the week: As a Christian, how can I know that when I die there is something beyond this life? Do you have... Bible by Hugh Ross Read
The Shroud of Turin, Part 2: An Examination of the Cloth April 8, 2021 The Shroud of Turin contains the faint image of a man identical to the biblical descriptions of the crucified Jesus. Interest in the Shroud... Logic & Reason by Joseph Bergeron Read
The Shroud of Turin, Part 1: An Examination of the Man April 1, 2021 The Shroud of Turin is a relic extraordinaire. It’s a linen cloth containing the front and back images of a crucified man matching the... Logic & Reason by Joseph Bergeron Read
A Dozen Evidences for the Resurrection of Jesus March 27, 2018 Jesus’s resurrection is at the very heart of historic Christianity. In fact, the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is both a central doctrinal belief... by Kenneth Samples Read
12 Evidences for the Resurrection of Jesus, Part 6 April 18, 2017 It is hard to exaggerate the importance of Jesus’s resurrection to Christianity, for Christ’s resurrection truly stands at the very center of the Christian... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
12 Evidences for the Resurrection of Jesus, Part 4 April 4, 2017 Some people have had dramatic religious conversions. In fact, my three favorite Christian thinkers outside of the biblical authors—St. Augustine, Blaise Pascal, and C.... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
12 Evidences for the Resurrection of Jesus, Part 3 March 29, 2017 Today’s skeptics of Jesus’s resurrection sometimes state that religious people are too quick to accept reports about miracles. Those who doubt the miraculous often... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
12 Evidences for the Resurrection of Jesus, Part 2 March 22, 2017 Christian apologist Walter Martin used to say that the real death rate is one per person, meaning that each person’s death is a matter... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read