How Historic Christian Theology Is Logically Connected February 28, 2023 When it comes to assessing the truth of the major world religions, astute observers can recognize that some of their beliefs seem logically disconnected... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
What Is the Relationship between Judaism and Christianity? May 3, 2022 Since I teach courses in comparative religions at Biola University and through Reasons Institute, people sometimes ask me what I think about the relationship... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
Beware “Bible Onlyism”: A Case for the Value of Other Books August 17, 2021 According to historic Christianity, the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God. The apostle Paul declares: "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful... Bible by Kenneth Samples Read
Learning from Christian Thinkers of the Past February 18, 2020 How do Christians live out their faith in an age often critical of their distinctive beliefs and values? And how can they successfully communicate... History by Kenneth Samples Read
Apologia Sophia: “Apologetics Wisdom” 2—Christian Foundations March 5, 2019 In part 1 of this series, we noted that Apologia Sophia (Gk: ἀπολογία σοφία) transliterates the Greek word endings and roughly translates to “apologetics... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
Learning about Christian Creeds, Part 3 August 28, 2018 If you come from a non-creedal Christian church tradition—and there are a good number of them within Evangelicalism—you might wonder what a creed is... by Kenneth Samples Read
Learning about Christian Creeds, Part 2 August 21, 2018 Ever hear the expression “No book but the Bible, no creed but Christ”? Ironically, it sounds a lot like a creed. Some Christians who... by Kenneth Samples Read
Learning about Christian Creeds, Part 1 August 14, 2018 Have you ever recited the Apostles’ Creed? It is widely used in Western Christendom, both in the Roman Catholic Church and in various Protestant... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
Confronting the Cognitive Dissonance over Grace April 24, 2018 Historic Christianity’s teaching that salvation is solely a gift of God’s grace stands at odds with all other religions of the world. The New... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
A Dozen Evidences for the Resurrection of Jesus March 27, 2018 Jesus’s resurrection is at the very heart of historic Christianity. In fact, the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is both a central doctrinal belief... Worldviews by Kenneth Samples Read
Three Historic Christian Classics December 5, 2017 There are classic Christian scholars and authors that everyone should know about. Unfortunately, many of today’s believers are unfamiliar with some of Christianity’s greatest... by Kenneth Samples Read