Getting to Know RTB Scholar Ken Samples July 26, 2022 Having been an author, professor, Sunday school teacher, and radio talk show host over my thirty-five-year professional career, I've been asked thousands of questions... People by Kenneth Samples Read
St. Augustine and the Philosophy of Existentialism July 20, 2021 One way to engage skeptics of the Christian faith is to discuss the influence Christian thinkers have had on people, regardless of religious affiliation.... Philosophy & Ethics by Kenneth Samples Read
My Soul Is Like a House May 12, 2020 One of the things I like about the writings of the Christian church father St. Augustine of Hippo (354–430) is his rich use of... People by Kenneth Samples Read
Did Augustine Lead the Ancient Church Astray? February 4, 2020 Anybody who has heard my podcast, listened to my theological lectures, reviewed my Reflections blog, or read my books will know that I have... Theology by Kenneth Samples Read
How Apologetics Impacts Conversion: A Historical Case Study, Part 4 November 5, 2019 Christians correctly assume that apologetics impacts conversion. That’s why many Christian ministries, organizations, and individuals who are motivated by evangelism take the apologetics enterprise... History by Kenneth Samples Read
3 Things You May Not Know about St. Augustine the Writer September 10, 2019 Augustine of Hippo (354–430) was born in North Africa to a pagan father and a Christian mother. Following a youth and an early career... History by Kenneth Samples Read
St. Augustine on Three Aspects of Creation July 30, 2019 Science-minded people today may find it surprising to learn that a person who lived 1,600 years ago offers sensible insights on creation, but such... People by Kenneth Samples Read
Voted the Best Christian Book of All Time July 23, 2019 What is the best Christian book of all time? (Outside of the Bible, of course.) And how could something as grand as that claim... People by Kenneth Samples Read
Apologia Sophia: “Apologetics Wisdom” 5—Classics April 2, 2019 What can past defenders of the faith teach us today? As it turns out, historic Christianity’s preeminent voices have passed on a treasure trove... Education by Kenneth Samples Read
Take Up and Read: Confessions January 10, 2017 This week’s book, Confessions, is by St. Augustine and is considered one of the most important and influential texts in the Western world. If... Education by Kenneth Samples Read