3 Things I’ve Learned from Blaise Pascal August 8, 2023 I’ve been reading and reflecting on philosopher Blaise Pascal’s extraordinary book Pensées (pronounced in French “Pon-SAYZ” and roughly translated as “Thoughts”) for a long time. Yet Pensées is really... People by Kenneth Samples Read
Blaise Pascal on the Human Condition September 3, 2019 Poets, playwrights, philosophers, and psychologists all take their turns offering insights on the “human condition.” They seek to explain the basic nature, identity, struggle,... People by Kenneth Samples Read
Take Up and Read: Making Sense of It All September 11, 2018 I am writing this ongoing blog series on Reflections to encourage Christians to read more vigorously and enrich their lives with Christian classics in... Education by Kenneth Samples Read
How about Reading Some Christian Classics? Part 1 June 12, 2018 Only human beings read. And from a biblical perspective, it may be reasonably inferred that humans’ capacity to read is part of the intellectual... People by Kenneth Samples Read
A Dozen Book Favorites, Part 2 January 9, 2018 As I wrote in part one of this series, only human beings are readers. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle thought the distinguishing feature of... Education by Kenneth Samples Read
Take Up and Read: Pensées January 25, 2017 This week's book Pensées is by Blaise Pascal and is considered both a theological and philosophical masterwork. It was intended to be Pascal's apologetics... Education by Kenneth Samples Read