Design in Water’s Ability to Lubricate Faults January 8, 2007 Earthquake studies in Germany highlight more evidence consistent with the idea of a supernatural Creator fashioning a habitable planet for humanity. A just-right amount... Geology & Earth by Jeff Zweerink Read
Dark Matter Verdict Buttresses Creation Model January 1, 2007 Imagine yourself in a courtroom with RTB astrophysicist Jeff Zweerink playing the role of attorney. Astronomy by Jeff Zweerink Read
Big Collision, Beautiful Moon November 1, 2006 A demolition expert surveys the building designated for destruction. With one swing of the wrecking ball, he must bring down the building without scattering... Geology & Earth by Jeff Zweerink Read
Habitable Planets Rarer than Originally Thought October 1, 2006 Tradesmen get a lot of business from people who start projects that appear simple. ("How hard can it be to install a new shower?")... Astronomy by Jeff Zweerink Read
Mars Looking Drier All the Time January 2, 2006 "Follow the water," astrobiologists say, and the search for extraterrestrial life will inevitably prove fruitful. Astronomy by Jeff Zweerink Read
Yet Another Function for Water November 20, 2005 Earthquakes can be disastrous, but without certain design features they could be much worse. Research by two geophysicists explains water’s critical role in facilitating... Geology & Earth by Jeff Zweerink Read
Continuous Cosmic Expansion October 1, 2005 Some promote an infinitely (or near infinitely) old universe to avoid a creation event in the relatively recent (roughly 14-billion-year) past. So, they argue... Bible by Jeff Zweerink Read