What Are the Bible’s Predicted Scientific Discoveries?
Question of the Week: In your talks you have mentioned finding over a hundred places in the Bible where it predicted future scientific discoveries. Have you published a list of these findings?
My Answer: Finding over a hundred places in the Bible where it had accurately predicted future scientific discoveries was a major factor in persuading me that the Bible was the inspired, inerrant Word of God, which led me to receive Jesus Christ’s offer of the forgiveness of all my sins and make him the Master and Lord of my life. I have not assembled them all into a single book. Different portions of the 100+ predictions are described in several of my books. You will find nearly all of them described and explained in Hidden Treasures in the Book of Job; Navigating Genesis; The Creator and the Cosmos, 4th ed; A Matter of Days, 2nd ed; Why the Universe Is the Way It Is; and More Than a Theory.