Do All Space-Time Theorems Prove a Cosmic Beginning?
Question of the Week: Are all the space-time theorems supportive of a beginning of the universe and a transcendent Beginner as the Bible teaches?
My Answer: There are over 30 space-time theorems in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. Not all space-time theorems are supportive of the biblical cosmic beginning that includes the beginning of space and time. However, the few theorems that are not rule out the possibility of physical life ever existing in the universe. Therefore, the fact that we are alive in the universe establishes a cosmic beginning as the Bible teaches, which implies a cosmic Beginner as the Bible teaches.
Sean Carroll, a nontheistic theoretical physicist, has written a paper in which he presents what he calls the quantum eternity theorem. His theorem crucially depends on quantum space-time fluctuations during the quantum gravity era, the first 10-43 seconds of cosmic history when the universe is so small, dense, and hot that all the forces of physics are unified into a single force large enough to permit a loophole in the space-time theorems. However, during the past several years astronomers have established many significant, independent constraints on the magnitude of quantum space-time fluctuations during the quantum gravity era. I have described and documented these constraints in this article: Quantum Gravity Constraints Affirm Cosmic Creator.
All the established constraints provide more, not less, evidence for a space-time beginning and a cosmic Beginner. One hundred percent of the scientific observations and experiments sustain the biblical doctrine of a beginning of matter, energy, space, and time and a transcendent causal agent beyond matter, energy, space, and time. Scientific advances over the past century affirm that the more we learn about the universe the more evidence we accumulate for a cosmic Beginner/Designer.