Did the Fall Degrade the Bodies of Adam and Eve?
Question of the week: Do you believe Adam and Eve had a body like the resurrected body of Jesus? Did the fall have an impact on human bodies?
My answer: You will find a detailed answer in Navigating Genesis. Adam and Eve’s bodies were corruptible before the fall, otherwise there would be no purpose in God planting the tree of life in Eden. The tree of life meant that Adam and Eve could reverse the effects of decay in their bodies. Evidently, they sinned relatively quickly since they saw no immediate need to eat fruit from the tree of life.
The fall had no impact on human bodies. Ecclesiastes, Jeremiah 33, and Romans 8 state that there has been no change in the laws of physics that govern the universe and Earth. The thermodynamic laws were the same both before and after the fall. As Jesus declared to his disciples in John 16:33, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
- Hugh Ross, Navigating Genesis (book)