RTB Fellows Program Adds Third Scholar
The Reasons to Believe (RTB) Fellows program launched in the fall of 2021, and we’re pleased to announce that the third scholar has been brought on board to begin her research. Scholar Community member and visiting scholar Dr. Christina “Chris” Cirucci, an obstetrician and gynecologist, will be leading RTB’s next Fellows program project.
The RTB Staff Scholar Team and Leadership Team select members of the Scholar Community to explore how the organization’s science-faith expertise can engage with critical issues of our day.
Cirucci has been commissioned to help form and lead a “Science and Ethics Team” that will research and deliver an extensive paper to the board that addresses key science and ethical concerns. This team of medical doctors, theologians, and philosophers will research and develop the paper, which will serve as a foundation for the creation of future resources.
We sat down with Dr. Cirucci to ask about her experience as RTB’s newest fellow:
RTB: How long have you been familiar with Reasons to Believe? What was your relationship with the ministry previously?
Cirucci: I became familiar with RTB eight years ago when I read Hugh Ross’s books. Prior to this time, I had trouble reconciling the creation account in Genesis with science. In my Christian circles, a young-earth creation model was often taught as the only proper interpretation of the biblical creation account.
I believe the Bible is the infallible word of God, and I know science is true also, but before reading Dr. Ross’s books I wasn’t sure how they fit together. His explanation for how they do fit together helped me understand there is no conflict between science and the Bible. I started looking into RTB and took a few courses through Reasons Institute, which were excellent. I then joined the Scholar Community and have been involved since then.
RTB: What attracted you to RTB and why did you want to become more deeply involved?
Cirucci: RTB is a credible, cutting-edge organization and it upholds both scientific and biblical integrity. They model concordism, the belief that the book of nature and the book of Scripture are both true. (RTB affirms a moderate concordism.) When understood correctly, these two books do not conflict.
RTB’s staff and scholars are highly accomplished in their fields and also devout Christians. The ministry does not shy away from complex topics and never compromises truth. I also appreciate that RTB upholds the principles of 1 Peter 3:15 to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” It is essential to speak the truth. It is also important to do so with love and respect. RTB does both of these well. The more I get involved, the more I appreciate the organization and everyone in it.
RTB: How has your experience as an RTB fellow been so far? Can you tell us more about the project you’re managing?
Cirucci: My experience so far as a fellow has been fantastic. In March (2023), I spent time at RTB as a visiting scholar and I finally met the staff in person. It was great to visit the headquarters, interact in person, and meet many of the RTB staff behind the scenes. Shortly after my visit, I became a fellow, which was very exciting for me. As a fellow, I am working on a project called “Science and Ethics.”
This project involves leading a team of other scholars to develop resources on some critical issues. I’m now just one month into the project, so we’re just getting our feet wet, but I can tell you that I’m very excited to work with this team. The team includes four physicians and three other scholars and we’re learning how to work together on this significant project. We plan to address contemporary science and ethics concerns. Leading this team and working with such a great group of scholars is a privilege.
RTB: What’s next on the horizon for you? Is there anything you want to share about future plans or projects?
Cirucci: I’m anticipating rigorous and rewarding work with the team on the fellows project. Right now, that’s my main focus. I look forward to what God has in store.