Overdue Glaciation
TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information
American environmental scientists have found evidence for the supernatural design of human behavior and for the supernatural timing of such behavior. Their studies of deep ice cores showed that for the past half million years Earth has experienced a 100,000-year glaciation cycle—apparently driven by regular variations in Earth’s orbit—where glaciation encompasses about 90 percent of the cycle’s duration. Their analysis of the deep ice core data revealed that a new cycle of ice growth should have begun 5,000 years ago. The reason we are not presently in an ice age is due to anthropogenic activity (human activity that affects nature). Specifically, the deforestation of Eurasia to make room for intensive crop cultivation and pasture land that began about 6,000-8,000 years ago has raised the atmospheric carbon dioxide level from 245 parts per million to 285 parts per million, while irrigation for rice farming and an increased cow population has raised the atmospheric methane level from 450 parts per billion to 700 parts per billion. Since carbon dioxide and methane efficiently trap heat from the Sun, the next ice age has been forestalled. Thus, three parameters of anthropogenic activity must be fine-tuned in order for global human civilization and technology to develop: the kind of activity, the level of such activity, and its timing. Such design is testimony for a supernatural, superintelligent Creator.
- William F. Ruddiman, Stephen J. Vavrus, and John E. Kutzbach, “A Test of the Overdue-Glaciation Hypothesis,” Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (2005): 1-10.
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VBC-4DTK6RV-1&_user=10&_handle=B-WA-A-W-AZ-MsSAYVA-UUW-AAUDZZDYEZ-AAUCWVYZEZ-YVWDZEZCY-AZ-U&_fmt=summary&_coverDate=01%2F01%2F2005&_rdoc=1&_orig=browse&_srch=%23toc%235923%232005%23999759998%23530729%21&_cdi=5923&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=8654cf40496733080270f3dc11761701
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