First Direct Measurement of Galaxies
TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information
Astronomers have made the first direct measurement of the density of galaxies in the observable universe—a factor that must be fine-tuned throughout cosmic history for advanced life to be possible. The Hubble Space Telescope was focused for 278 hours on a segment of the sky only one-tenth the diameter of the full Moon. This longest-ever exposure revealed for the first time all the galaxies that could possibly exist in any given sky segment, even the faintest galaxies that formed just after the creation event. In the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field an estimated 10,000 galaxies were imaged. Such a number, multiplied up to represent the whole sky, would translate into 200 billion galaxies. This initial result is consistent with what the properties of a big bang universe must be like for intelligent life to be possible. Thus, the biblically predicted big bang creation model has successfully passed another test and will likely pass more tests to come.
- Peter Bond, “Hubble’s Long View,” Astronomy & Geophysics, vol. 45, no. 3 (June 2004): 328.
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