Design of the Triple-Alpha Process
TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information
A very large team of European nuclear astrophysicists has produced a new measurement that significantly strengthens the evidence for the supernatural design of the universe for the benefit of life. They made careful laboratory measurements of the rate at which three helium nuclei combine to make a carbon nuclei under stellar nuclear fusion conditions. Their rate is higher than the previous standard and implies that the first stars in the universe produced twice as much carbon as previously believed. This revision resolved two small problems in the big bang creation model: 1) new measurements showing that the first stars are smaller than previously believed would still produce the observed amount of carbon, and 2) the higher rate of carbon production explains why the early universe gets enriched with heavy elements so quickly. Consequently, astronomers now possess even stronger evidence for the biblically predicted big bang creation model.
- Hans O. U. Fynbo, “Revised Rates for the Stellar Triple-Alpha Process from Measurement of 12C Nuclear Resonances,” Nature 433 (2005): 136-39.
- Mounib El Eid, “The Process of Carbon Creation,” Nature 433 (2005): 117-18.
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