Quantum Gravity Constraints Affirm Cosmic Creator April 10, 2023 One of the cornerstone beliefs of the Christian faith is that the universe had a beginning, which implies a cosmic Beginner. Physical scientists who... Astronomy by Hugh Ross Read
Stunted Black Holes Pave Way for Life August 29, 2022 Any Southern California resident knows that strong Santa Ana winds are a part of life. It may not come readily to mind, but strong... Astronomy by Hugh Ross Read
Birthing the First Quasars in a Big Bang Universe August 8, 2022 Much of my research at the University of Toronto and the California Institute of Technology was focused on quasars. That research, combined with much... Astronomy by Hugh Ross Read
Did Life Originate on Earth or in the Cosmos? Part 2 June 20, 2022 In last week's post, "Did Life Originate on Earth or in the Cosmos? Part 1," I described how an international, interdisciplinary team of 33... Origin of Life & Astrobiology by Hugh Ross Read
No Nearby Nasty Supermassive Black Holes May 13, 2019 Medical doctors tell us that it is not good for our health and wellbeing to possess a pot belly. They warn us, too, that... Design by Hugh Ross Read
Life Requires Galactic and Supergalactic Habitable Zones April 8, 2019 Zones where advanced life can exist in the universe just became stricter. Astronomical researchers have discovered that livable neighborhoods must include not only favorable... Design by Hugh Ross Read