Human Origins Workshop with Peaceful Science and Reasons to Believe June 11, 2020 On January 18, scientists, theologians, scholar community members, and friends joined us, virtually and on site in Covina, CA, for a workshop on RTB’s... Human Origins & Anthropology by Anjeanette Roberts Read
COVID Pandemic: God’s Fault or Ours? April 16, 2020 The spread of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID—19)1 across the world and throughout our communities leads many people to ask why a good... Biology by Anjeanette Roberts Read
Bringing Hope to the COVID–19 Days Ahead April 9, 2020 With everyone’s life disrupted, I find I am having many conversations with worried colleagues, friends, and family. One friend even got me to do... Biology by Anjeanette Roberts Read
Helpful Information in Understanding SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 March 20, 2020 Conditions change rapidly with a viral outbreak, and people sometimes wonder where to find good sources of information. To that end, I hope that... Biology by Anjeanette Roberts Read
Coronavirus Outbreak: Do I Need to Worry? February 13, 2020 Many people are reaching out to me to ask about the coronavirus outbreak in China. Maybe the news stories have you worried. Perhaps you’re... Biology by Anjeanette Roberts Read
Mosaic Eve: Mother of All (Part 2) January 23, 2020 In Part 1 of “Mosaic Eve,” I set the stage for considering how God might introduce enough diversity into the human population from a... Human Origins & Anthropology by Anjeanette Roberts Read
Mosaic Eve: Mother of All (Part 1) January 16, 2020 In a previous blog on Adam and Eve, I mentioned that the RTB model of human origins dated the range of an historical, sole... Human Origins & Anthropology by Anjeanette Roberts Read
How Can Christians Disagree over Adam and Eve? December 19, 2019 RTB is committed to the goal of showing exemplary character when Christians disagree with one another. We aim to do so respectfully and humbly... Philosophy & Ethics by Anjeanette Roberts Read
Leaning in with Hope November 7, 2019 The work we do at RTB has at its core the desire to help you and others see the heart of God, his love,... Design by Anjeanette Roberts Read
A Measles-Free Future October 24, 2019 One day the world could be measles-free. The 15 children that die every hour from measles infections could be saved. The 20–30% of infected... Biology by Anjeanette Roberts Read
Creating HIV-Resistant Humans: What Could Go Wrong? October 10, 2019 I’m surprised when I find others who haven’t yet heard of CRISPR gene-editing. Application of this groundbreaking technology has exploded over the past six... Design by Anjeanette Roberts Read
A Post-Genomic Era? Ludicrous with an Incomplete Human Genome August 15, 2019 I periodically draw attention on social media to the fact that the human genome sequence is not complete. I thoroughly enjoy the reaction of... Biochemistry by Anjeanette Roberts Read