
Welcome to the Reasons to Believe Global Virtual Chapter!

The RTB Global Virtual Chapter (RTB GVC) serves to extend the impact of Reasons to Believe by providing a chapter experience to friends and followers who don’t have a local chapter in their region. It is also an additional resource for existing chapters to engage with the growing Global chapter community, sharing in presentations and interaction with top RTB staff scholars, visiting scholars, and other influencers all with the common goal of revealing God in science.

RTB GVC gathers monthly on Zoom with a format that includes presentations, conversations, and opportunities for participants to engage in Q&A and discussions. The date and time of these gatherings vary from month to month to provide the most access to as many time zones as is practical.

Please click the “Get Chapter Announcements” button above to be notified of upcoming chapter Zoom events, and check the EVENTS tab for the latest calendar.