Mike grew up with an interest in science and theology, so in 1977 he chose to go to Biola University, where he could study both subjects in detail. From there he decided to pursue a graduate degree in physics at UCLA. During his first few years of graduate school, he developed an increased interest in quantum mechanics and subatomic physics and decided to do research in a field that dealt with these subjects. Thus, he joined a high energy physics experimental group doing research at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and moved to the San Francisco Bay Area to actively participate in research at SLAC. Mike graduated in 1988 with a PhD in high energy physics (a.k.a. elementary particle physics).
In August 1995, he accepted a job as an assistant professor of physics at the University of Oklahoma (OU) in Norman, Oklahoma. OU has a vibrant high energy physics research group involved in exciting current research. For about 15 years, he did research at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), with the DØ experiment. Currently, his research is conducted at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, otherwise known as CERN, where he is a collaborator on the ATLAS experiment. This is one of two experiments that used data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to discover the Higgs boson in 2012.
Mike loves spending time with his wife and children. They have a great church home at Wildwood Community Church in Norman, Oklahoma. Over the last few years Mike has had a number of opportunities to speak at universities and churches throughout the world and to work with Reasons to Believe on the relationship between science and Christianity. His book, The Creator Revealed, helps laypeople understand a physicist’s perspective on the evidence for the big bang and the Bible.