Even with Quantum Mechanics Progress on Origin-of-Life Problem is Slow

Even with Quantum Mechanics Progress on Origin-of-Life Problem is Slow

TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information

Sixty years ago, Erwin Schrödinger predicted that quantum mechanics would soon solve the riddle of life’s origin. While much progress has been made in other fields of quantum mechanics, little more is known about life’s origin (from a naturalistic perspective) now than when Schrödinger first stated his belief. An essay by an Australian physicist highlights the slow progress and proposes a mechanism for life that starts with quantum replicators. Once formed, these replicators develop a sufficient level of complexity and eventually migrate to an organic molecule matrix that takes on “a life of its own.” Using quantum information theory, scientists might constrain how probable these quantum replicators are. As alluded to in the essay, the level of complexity seen in even the most ancient primitive life presents a substantial problem for naturalistic theories. However, RTB’s cosmic creation model predicts that the first life created by a superintelligent Designer will be highly complex.