New from RTB—Impact Events: The Earth
Jeff Zweerink and Ken Hultgren
Impact events are often big, swift, and powerful. They cause disruption and often destruction—but they undoubtedly bring about change. To an astronomer, “impact events” involve comets or asteroids colliding with planets or other objects in the universe.
Without astronomical impact events, life as we know it would be impossible. Long ago, asteroids and comets slammed against Earth, drastically changing our planet’s surface and atmosphere. The biggest impact came from an object the size of Mars. But instead of destroying Earth, it struck at the just-right angle and speed and resulted in formation of the Moon. Plus it gave Earth a new life-friendly atmosphere. God used these impacts for His purposes and our good. The same goes for our spiritual lives. The Bible is full of events that show how God impacts history. And, as Christians, we know God is still at work today, impacting people for His good purposes.
That’s what Impact Events, our science-faith devotional for students, is about—God’s impact, both in creation and in our lives. The first two booklets focused on the universe and the solar system, respectively. This third booklet in the series, recently released, takes a look at the unique features—from plate tectonics to Earth’s magnetic field and water cycle—that make life on Earth possible.
Many people—including Christians—think science and faith don’t mix. In fact, some people think science and the Bible are enemies and should be kept far apart. As RTB staff members, the two of us (Jeff and Ken) have teamed up for a third time to help more people understand the relationship between science and faith.
It is our hope that this study will help students, in particular, learn more about God’s creation and challenge individuals to take big steps in their faith journey. If you’re a Christian, then God has already impacted your life through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But living a Christian life is a daily commitment. This study will encourage readers to follow God daily (Luke 9:23) and impact others for Him!
Whether reading through this study alone or with a group of friends, we hope you take this booklet as a challenge to learn more about the Creator and allow Him impact every area of your life!