Dive into the Water of Life
Summer is upon us—soon the kids in my neighborhood will be ambushing one another with water guns or playing “Marco Polo” in the community pool. My own daughter will be letting her inner mermaid swim free. At the beach, river, in backyard sprinklers, water is synonymous with carefree summer days for kids and adults.
Scripture brims with over 1,000 references to water. Genesis, Job, and Psalms describe the creation of the water cycle. Other passages demonstrate God’s control over water to sustain plants, animals, and people. Water is central to the civilizations of the Bible and plays a key role in many miracles. Water also serves as a metaphor for redemption, sustaining grace, and spiritual healing.
Psalm 1 uses water to illustrate spiritual fertility. Those submitted to God are “like a tree” and God’s generous wisdom is the “streams of water” that sustain them season-to-season. Drinking deeply from God’s Word is as refreshing as an iced beverage on a blazing hot day.
This summer, we encourage you to take time between cannonballs to gather the family for a little spiritual refreshment. Consider reading these and other watery texts and discussing what they communicate about God as Creator, Sustainer, and Savior.
Creation of water
• Genesis 1:9–13
• Job 36:27–37:13
• Job 38:8–11, 22–30
• Psalm 104:5–9
• Proverbs 3:19–20
Providing water for
physical life
• Psalm 65:9–13
• Psalm 104:10–18
• Psalm 147:8–9
Water in miracles
• Exodus 14
• Matthew 14:22–36
• Luke 8:22–25
By Maureen Moser