A Warm Reception in the Homeschooling Community
In 2008, when RTB began having a presence at homeschool conferences, we received “chilly” receptions to the two conferences we attended. Visitors to our booth were either adamantly against an old-earth view and familiar with RTB, adamantly against an old-earth view and unfamiliar with RTB, or completely unfamiliar with RTB.
Six years later, we have been warmly welcomed to half a dozen conventions, and many families stop by our booth like old friends. Even parents familiar with only the young-earth view showed a fascination with our resources. One such mom sat in our booth for a solid hour, pouring over the Good Science, Good Faith curriculum, occasionally asking a question. Finally she looked up and sighed, “When I became a Christian, it took me forever to finally accept young-earth, and now I find this!”
Regardless of their perspective on the age of the earth, the one constant among parents was a deep love for their children and their God. And parents are now being equipped through RTB resources to teach their children an appreciation for varying biblical creation views within the Christian community and to defend their faith with gentleness and respect.
We hope to see more old and new friends stop by the RTB booth at future conferences!
Anastasia Young