When Will the Second Coming of Christ Occur?
Question of the week: If you could give an educated guess, when do you think the Second Coming of Christ will occur?
My answer: God the Father has a set date (Acts 1:7). That date is not for us to know (Acts 1:7). However, I can indeed make an educated guess. It will occur as soon as we Christians fulfill the Great Commission. The Great Commission, described in Matthew 28:18–20, is the directive Christ gave to his followers to make disciples among all ethnic, people, and language groups of the human race.
Jesus made it clear that his disciples would never comprise a majority in all the ethnic, people, and language groups. Nevertheless, Scripture implies that it will be a substantial minority. Zechariah 12–13 states that a third of the Jewish kith will repent and become followers of Christ. I believe it will be approximately the same percentage for the Gentile kiths. As I wrote in Improbable Planet, we Christians now possess the finances, technology, and people to fulfill the Great Commission in under a decade. All we lack is motivation. Please join me in praying that Christians here in America and around the world will be motivated by the Holy Spirit to become actively involved in fulfilling the Great Commission.
Hugh Ross, Improbable Planet (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2016), 225–230.