What’s the Best Evidence That Jesus Is the Messiah?
Question of the week: What is the best evidence for Jesus of Nazareth being the Messiah?
My answer: Some of the most often cited evidence that Jesus is the Messiah would be the 100+ Old Testament prophecies that he fulfilled during his incarnation, for example the Messianic prophecies in Psalm 22 and Zechariah 11:12–13. Other evidence would be the morally perfect life he led (even his mother, brothers, and sisters publicly acknowledged he was without sin—John 8) and the miracles that he performed (miracles far beyond those that the Old Testament prophets performed). Most Christian scholars assert that the best evidence is the historical case for Jesus’s bodily resurrection from the dead. It is because of Jesus’s bodily resurrection from the dead that followers of Christ can be assured that they, too, will be bodily raised from the dead.