We heard you. Now hear this!
Kenneth Samples recently received this comment from Dylan on Facebook:
Love your books, just need more time to read all of them. You gotta consider doing some audiobooks for those of us who have kids!
Dylan isn’t the first to ask for RTB audiobooks. Many of you have asked, and we heard you. This month we released our first audiobook title in years—Hugh’s classic The Creator and the Cosmos, through our partnership with ONE Audiobooks.
There are multiple reasons why readers seek out audiobooks, including:
Accessibility–The audiobook format will make RTB books more easily accessible for people who are visually impaired, physically disabled, or otherwise prevented from reading print or e-books.
Availability–Making RTB titles available on audiobook platforms will help us reach new audiences, people who primarily or exclusively consume audiobooks.
Flexibility–For those who love RTB books but have little time for reading, audiobooks will offer opportunities for on-demand learning—while driving, doing laundry, walking the dog, or watching the kids.
“Audiobooks have become a new priority for us as a ministry,” says RTB editorial director Sandra Dimas. “Moving forward, each time a new RTBbookis published, you can expect the audio version to follow soon after.”
Other audiobooks now available include Improbable Planet, Hidden Treasures in the Book of Job, A Matter of Days, and Why the Universe Is the Way It Is.
There are also plans to release Fazale Rana’s upcoming book, Fit for a Purpose, in print, e-book, and audiobook format later this year. Rana’s book Humans 2.0, published in 2019, will be available in audiobook format in spring 2022.