Trigonometric Distance to Milky Way Galaxy’s Center
TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information
Two Princeton University astronomers have compiled and analyzed the most accurate measurements to date of the distance to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Their results place the biblically predicted big bang creation model on firmer footing. They demonstrated that careful measurements of the motions of stars closely orbiting around the giant black hole that marks the center of the Milky Way Galaxy deliver a direct trigonometric determination of the distance between Earth and the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Since this distance measure is the cornerstone for measuring the scale, age, and expansion rate of the universe, a more accurate and direct determination indeed strengthens the evidence for the predicted big bang creation model. Also, since the distance to the galactic center now proves by direct measures alone to be 26,000 light years, the implied light-travel time provides a new direct challenge to the young-earth creationist model.
- Masataka Fukugita and P. J. E. Peebles, “The Cosmic Energy Inventory,” Astrophysical Journal 616 (2004): 643-68.
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