Solar Luminosity Stability
TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information
Several new astronomical studies show more evidence for design in demonstrating that the sun has an exceptionally benign luminosity stability for the specific benefit of human civilization. Astronomers have known for some time that the sun undergoes a regular 11-year sunspot cycle which yields a peak-to-peak luminosity variation of just 0.08 percent—too small and too regular to significantly influence climate. In one new study a search was made for multidecadal variations in the sun’s luminosity. None were found. In a second new study 18 stars that closely match the sun in age, mass, and elemental abundances were carefully monitored for luminosity variations. No evidence for luminosity variations greater than 0.05 percent was found. All these studies confirm that the sun manifests exceptional luminosity stability when compared with other stars or when the sun in its present solar age is compared to other solar ages. Thus, the sun’s physical characteristics appear to be no accident, nor does the timing of humanity’s creation.
- Peter Foukal, Gerald North, and Tom Wigley, “A Stellar View on Solar Variations and Climate,” Science 306 (2004): 68-69.
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