Precision Dates for Early Solar System Affirm Ancient Cosmos

Precision Dates for Early Solar System Affirm Ancient Cosmos

TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information

Precision dates for the oldest meteorites affirm the robustness of the biblically predicted cosmic creation model and provide additional evidence against a young universe. If radioisotope dating is inherently flawed as claimed by young-universe creationists, newly obtained ages will show inconsistencies with previously measured ages. On the other hand, if recent measurements confirm previous ages with increasing precision, support for the old-universe big bang model grows. A team of international scientists has dated meteorites to within one million years of the minimum age of the solar system. The calculated age was 4.5662 +/- 0.0001 billion years. This age is good to one part in 10 thousand (which is 10 times more precise than previous dates) and is perfectly consistent with previous dates. Thus, support for a supernatural Cause for this universe continues to grow.