Nobel-Winning DNA Research Challenges Evolutionary Theory May 31, 2016 In 2015, three scientists won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for decades of research into DNA—research that reinforces the idea that evolution is mythology... Origin of Life & Astrobiology by Read
Zika Virus in the News May 24, 2016 With Zika virus featuring so prominently in the news, there is a growing concern among people about its rapid spread. And with its connections... Biology by Anjeanette Roberts Read
Why Does Hydrogen Exist in the Universe? May 19, 2016 The third most abundant molecule in the universe has the most well-known chemical formula—H2O, or water. No one disputes the utility of oxygen for... Physics & Mathematics by Jeff Zweerink Read
Textbook Review: Novare’s “Earth Science” May 17, 2016 Kevin Nelstead’s Earth Science: God’s World, Our Home (Novare, 2016) addresses earth science from a refreshingly old-earth, Christian perspective. Education by Read
Why Does Carbon Exist in the Universe? May 16, 2016 What are the two most known chemical compounds? Clearly water (H2O) takes first place, but with all the discussion of global warming, carbon dioxide... Physics & Mathematics by Jeff Zweerink Read
Did Comets Carry Prebiotic Materials to Early Earth? May 12, 2016 Even though chemical impurities in snow and ice can be detrimental to existing life on Earth, astrobiologists think that chemical contaminants in icy comets... Chemistry by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
Did Neanderthals Bury Their Dead with Flowers? May 9, 2016 Were Neanderthals like us? The answer to this question has profound implications for our understanding of human origins, and for the RTB creation model.... Human Origins & Anthropology by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
What Microlensed Planets Reveal about Our Solar System May 5, 2016 In the search for distant planetary systems, astronomers employ a special method to discover planets beyond the range of our telescopes. Thanks to the... Astronomy by Hugh Ross Read
Thank God for Merging Neutron Stars May 2, 2016 Have you thanked God for neutron and black hole merging events today?... Without such events, Earth and the rest of the universe would lack... Astronomy by Hugh Ross Read
What Dinosaur Soft Tissue Says about the Earth’s Age May 1, 2016 Perhaps one of the more amazing discoveries made in recent years has been the recovery of original soft tissue remnants within the fossilized remains... Design by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
Structure of Dinosaur Collagen Unravels the Case for a Young Earth April 28, 2016 One of the most provocative pieces of evidence young-earth creationists cite for a 6,000- to 10,000-year-old Earth is the discovery of soft-tissue remains in... Creation Views by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read
Why Do Mitochondria Have DNA? April 25, 2016 Whenever I speak on university campuses, students challenge me with the endosymbiont hypothesis. This hypothesis is an important facet of the evolutionary paradigm, presumably... Design by Fazale “Fuz” Rana Read