New Technique for Measuring Cosmic Distances

New Technique for Measuring Cosmic Distances

TNRTB Archive – Retained for reference information

A team of American and European astronomers has found a new and powerful tool for testing the biblically predicted big bang creation model and for confirming the supernatural design of the cosmic density parameters. They developed a technique for determining accurate distance measures for type IIP supernovae, the brightest stellar events in the universe. The team uses spectral measurements of the expanding atmosphere of the exploding supernova to determine the supernova’s distance. For one type IIP supernova near enough that its distance can be independently determined by adjacent Cepheid variable stars, the team showed that their new technique is both accurate and reliable. Since the James Webb Space Telescope will be able to measure the spectra of type IIP supernova out to a redshift distance of six, astronomers soon will be able to extend their accurate measures of the cosmic expansion rate 7 billion years earlier in cosmic history than they can now. Such measures will allow far more definitive tests of the big bang creation model and more accurate measures of the highly fine-tuned cosmic density parameters.